Looking for an easy Lemon Mousse Recipe that doesn’t require baking? This 5 ingredient Lemon Mousse is simple to make and so delicious! It’s a perfect no-bake dessert for any occasion. We’ll show you how to make it with just a few simple steps. So, gather your ingredients, and let’s get started! Lemon mousse is …
Desserts & Sweets
In a world where cakes have turned into these overstated chocolate fudge caramel monstrosities, it’s sometimes nice to just go with an old-fashioned classic that simply tastes amazing. Growing up, my grandma used to make Tosca cake for just about every special occasion and family gathering, and it`s definately become a big family tradition! It …
We just had a tiny little weeklong heatwave here in Norway, so we’ve been trying to get creative on how to cool down in the heat. Last year we bought an ice cream maker. I’ve been using it quite a bit but I am just now starting to really get a hang of it. Thankfully …
Panna cotta is Italian for “Holy f**k that’s good”. Ok according to Wikipedia and google translate it’s Italian for “cooked cream” but that can’t be right, right? With that logic, Pizza translates to something like “cheese sauce bread”. So let’s just go with my translation. However a better name would be “redenzione” which google translate …
The Pumpkin season is well underway, and with Halloween over and done with, you can usually get some good deals on pumpkin. Pumpkins have a huge yield and are very versatile so I usually stock up and make a whole lot of pies among other things. Whisky can, of course, be enjoyed year round, but …